Aspose.Cells for Java is an award-winning Spreadsheet component that allows Java developers to embed the ability to read, write and manipulate Excel® spreadsheets into their own applications without needing to rely on Microsoft Excel®.
Aspose.Cells for Java is a mature, scalable and feature rich component that offers many functions that are way beyond the simple data exporting capabilites of other vendors. With Aspose.Cells for Java developers can export data, format spreadsheets to the most granular level, import images, import charts, Create charts, apply and calculate complex formulas, stream Excel® data, save in various formats and much more - all this without the need of Microsoft Excel® or Microsoft Office Automation.
Key Features:
No Microsoft Excel Automation
Aspose.Cells for Java is an incredibly versatile component that allows developers to create, manage and manipulate Excel spreadsheets without requiring Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Office to be installed on the system. In short, Aspose.Cells for Java is a better alternative to Office Automation in terms of security, stability, scalibility, speed, price and features
Advanced Features
Unlike Similar products from other vendors, Aspose.Cells for Java not only supports spreadsheet generation and other basic file formatting features, it also supports a number of advanced features. These advanced features make it much easier for developers to manipulate spreadsheet contents, cell formatting and file Protection. Aspose.Cells for Java includes the following features:
* Ability to save and open Excel files to and from streams
* Send output to a client browser
* Save and open ODS format files
* Import and export data from an Array, ArrayList and Recordset
* Import images and charts
* Create images and charts through the product API
* Import formulae from a designer spreadsheet
* Configure page setup through the product API